Impeller puteran gancang-gancang digunakeun pikeun langsung ngalungkeun proyektil kana workpiece anu teras-terasan digolongkeun dina ruang kendang, sahingga ngahontal pangaruh nguatkeun ngabersihkeun bahan padamelan. Struktur awak mesin nyaéta kendang, sabuk angkat, motor réduksi, pamisah, sareng alat blasting shot. Éta cocog pikeun industri pengecoran. Beurat sapotong damel anu diberesihan henteu tiasa langkung luhur tibatan 15 kg. Éta tiasa ditémbak peledakan pikeun ngaleungitkeun karat, nyabut lapisan oksida sareng nguatkeun gloss permukaan. Cocog pikeun meresihan hiji jinis padamelan anu teu sieun kabongroy sareng goresan. Kalemahanana nyaéta henteu tiasa ditémbak peledakan dina jumlah anu seueur.
Pedaran dasar tinacrawler ditémbak mesin peledakan:
Crawler ogé mangrupakeun prinsip, cocog pikeun tuang ukuran alit sareng sedeng, pamalsuan alit sareng sedeng, ningkatna gloss permukaan logam dina sababaraha industri, ngaleungitkeun karat sareng ngaleungitkeun lapisan oksida, sareng sajabana ... Blasting shot-connected direct used bycrawler ditémbak mesin peledakansAlatna didamel ku ngahijikeun téknologi inti énggal di bumi sareng luar negeri. Struktur sakabéh pakakasna saderhana sareng sét lengkepna saé. Cara ngagantian sabeulah langkung merenah tibatan dasar aslina. Efisiensi produksi naék ku langkung ti 10% tibatan sateuacan. Debu dina prosés produksi Konséntrasi émisi ogé parantos dikirangan langkung ti 5% dibandingkeun sareng jaman baheula. Penyuluhan crawler tiasa ngawujudkeun tembakan otomatis otomatis pisan dugi ka ayeuna, sareng tiasa beroperasi sacara mandiri atanapi disambungkeun kana jalur produksi.
Old employees in the industry should know that the mesin shot blasting drum was the first to appear on the market, because the casting manufacturing industry was very in demand in the early days. With the spread of mesin shot blasting drums, crawlers finally appeared Type shot blasting machine, drum type shot blasting machine has been completely replaced by crawler type shot blasting machine due to changes in subsequent development. Because the structure of the crawler ditémbak mesin peledakan is simpler, the crawler ditémbak mesin peledakan can also roll and shot the workpiece, and can also realize the function of automatic loading and unloading. After the workpiece is cleaned, it will be automatically sent out of the shot blasting room. However, this function cannot be achieved by the roller type shot blasting machine. In addition, the damaged parts during the use of the drum type shot blasting machine are higher than that of the crawler. From the perspective of cost and later considerations, I will choose the crawler type shot blasting machine and the drum type shot blasting volume Small cannot fully meet the daily workload of manufacturers, so this is why more users like to use crawler ditémbak mesin peledakans.